A Quick Programming Note

I’ve been away from my office for all practical purposes the last 6 weeks. To say that we’ve been blessed would be an understatement. Physically, what was “half way to home” bit over a year ago has become all the way home. We took a day off from our daily 10K this morning but I still managed to snag my steps on the treadmill while listening to the Chili Peppers. Life is good folks.

Judging from site traffic more than few of you understand the significance of yesterday’s news, which I’m not going into right now. I’ve also been teasing an update to this post and that too is going to happen shortly as I wanted to see what, if anything developed on the docket in advance of the scheduled hearing.

2021 marks Slabbed’s 14th year in continuous publication. The internet hasn’t yet seen the best of us. 🙂

…..that was a long time and no matter how I try
The years just flow by like a broken down dam.

Angel from Montgomery ~ John Prine