Other Voices | Tom Callaghan: License to Kill

Posted on December 1, 2020

With fifty days left under the protective umbrella of the TRUMP-ADELSON ADMINISTRATION, Israel executed Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, 62, an Iranian scientist who had committed the offense of knowing almost as much about nuclear energy as several dozen of Israel’s Nuclear Scientists. The house trained pets posing as American Liberal Cable TV hosts took it all in stride.

Just as well. The sequence and actions are incomprehensible, if your employment is conditioned on not acknowledging the existence of the most powerful private citizen in the USA and Israel, Sheldon Adelson. Adelson has counseled nuking Iran in their desert “and telling them the next one is in downtown Theran.” (If anybody knows Rachel Maddow, send her that clip. If she hears about it she’ll give that Adelson character a piece of her mind AND go to Iran. That’s what courageous liberals do.)

Remember Schwerner, Chaney and Goodman. It’s not supposed to be easy to be a liberal.

From Israel’s unique vantage point, the timing for the killing was elegant. Iran is choking on sanctions imposed by the ghoulish undertaker posing as our Secretary of Treasury, Steve Mnuchin. Under “The Undertakers” guidance the USA has locked up Iran’s financial system in sanctions that make it close to impossible for Iran to obtain medicine to combat the Covid pandemic that has ravaged Iran. So much the better from Israel’s point of view. For decades, the Israelis have specialized in kicking folks when they’re down or when they have a “bought and paid for” American Administration who will fight for them while they hold our coats. Continue Reading……