Trump Tax Returns Strongly Suggest Illegal Activity

First let me get this out of the way. I’m not trying to change any minds about the upcoming election. One way or another the piper will be paid and there is nothing any of us can do to affect it which leads to the second thing we need to clear up in advance. If you are a sucker, dupe, a financial moron or otherwise an imbecile I’m not going to tolerate Facebook quality comments from people that barely passed high school who in February were all shithouse MPHs before graduating to become shithouse epidemiologists. That kind of ignorance can stay on Facebook. Slabbed has been following the money for 13 years because money doesn’t lie, unlike sociopaths or useful idiots to sociopaths.

Let’s start as it unfolded on the Slabbed twitter account because it was there I first revealed my thoughts:

The early reporting failed to answer the most basic question anyone could ask, “How was Trump funding those losses?”. There is no such thing as a money tree or Santa Claus and the IRS does not allow hypothetical losses against income. Having prepared taxes for over 30 years the only businesses I’ve witnessed posting losses year after year all ended up in bankruptcy or otherwise insolvent and closed. Its a simple economic fact of life but there is more here because Trump doesn’t just live, he lives large and in charge paying hookers hundreds of thousands more than he does in taxes so something else has to be in the equation. Luckily for everyone there are some very sharp people on Twitter.

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