Former pastor of St Clare makes the Jackson diocese sexual abusers list

I remember as a child nick naming him Father Falstaff. If I remember right, St Clare was George Broussard’s last stop before leaving the priesthood. It appears he also was pastor over at St John’s in Gulfport before coming to Waveland.

17 Catholic priests named as accused sex abusers in Jackson diocese ~ Sarah Fowler

Broussard is accused of abusing eight victims. A diocesan priest, Broussard is accused of abusing three brothers, four John Does, aged two to five, and a girl. The female victim is the same victim in the Boyce incident. She alleged the abuse took place from 1969 to 1974.

Broussard requested and was granted leave in 1975. His facilities were removed in 2003. He died in 2007.

I was an alter boy back when Broussard was knocking around Waveland in 1974. We were shocked when he drug up very suddenly and left. All these years later we now know why.

8 thoughts on “Former pastor of St Clare makes the Jackson diocese sexual abusers list”

  1. I just read the list, and am sitting here in shock! 7 of the 12 served in Bay St. Louis at OLG where I grew up, and I knew all of them. Unbelievable!!!
    The list I would like to see is who were the Directors of Religious Vocations for the Dioceses during those years. That is very important. If I recall correctly, there has been a recent accusation from St. Lucy’s Parish in Wiggins. It made the newspapers. That one wasn’t listed. Horrid!

    1. St Lucy is in LucedaLe and with former pastor is now in jail. St Lucy, St Francis in Wiggins and Holy Trinity in Leaksville now all share a pastor. He does not show on the Jackson diocese list because this area is now diocese of Biloxi and the acts occurred after the split.

      1. We are up to 37 now with the updated story. I see Ivan Siekman made the list. He was ordained at St Clare.

  2. I would like to have seen the news media, Sun Herald specifically, name the Bishops and Archbishops who served the Jackson and Biloxi dioceses— you know, the “decision makers” in these cases. I only remember 4 —Bishops Brunini, Gerow, Howze, and Rodi, who is now the Archbishop. And let’s not forget the seminaries where they studied and were formed to serve the Biloxi diocese. Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans, Bishop Gregory Aymand (spelling?)– all who had influence on them becoming ordained priests. For a very long time the Irish priest were educated for the priesthood in Ireland with the obligation to serve in Miss.
    Things seem to begin to change under Rodi; perhaps because he was a lay lawyer before becoming a priest and brought some reality to the conversation as to the negative affect of cover ups.

    1. I think these announcements are nothing more than the Church’s latests attempts to stay one step ahead of the stampede of people leaving while preserving the status quo as a male only institution populated by pervs and pedos. One need only look at the latest news out of Europe:

      Convicted French cardinal says pope has refused his resignation

      Philippe Barbarin, the French Roman Catholic cardinal convicted this month of failing to report sexual abuse allegations, said on Tuesday that Pope Francis had turned down his offer to resign.

      “On Monday morning, I put forward my resignation to the hands of the Holy Father. Invoking the presumption of innocence, he declined to accept this resignation,” said Barbarin, the archbishop of Lyon, in a statement.

      This is from February:

      The Corruption of the Vatican’s Gay Elite Has Been Exposed

      The picture Martel draws is jaw-dropping. Many of the Vatican gays — especially the most homophobic — treat their vows of celibacy with an insouciant contempt. Martel argues that many of these cardinals and officials have lively sex lives, operate within a “don’t ask, don’t tell” culture, constantly hit on young men, hire prostitutes, throw chem-sex parties, and even pay for sex with church money. How do we know this? Because, astonishingly, they tell us.

      The media reports on this state of affairs are very numerous as this missive from 2017 illustrates:

      The fed-up neighbors were simply sick of what they described as a “steady stream of young men” who frequented Ratzinger’s former apartment, which had been given to Monsignor Luigi Capozzi, the secretary for Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, who heads the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, which busies itself with deciphering and clarifying various points of canon law. So they called the cops, in this case the Vatican’s elite Swiss Guard gendarmerie unit, when the noise and movida nightlife just got to be too much.

      The Vatican police showed up to find an orgy in progress, with an untold number of naked men allegedly writhing around the floor with Capozzi and his cohorts, who were apparently under the influence of hard drugs according to the Italian newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano which broke the story that a host of Italian and international media have since picked up.

      The church doesn’t want married men or women of any kind as clergy for a reason that has nothing to do with the Catholic catechism. The Church is living a lie. I did not let the door hit my ass leaving.

      1. I feel great sympathy for the many good, dedicated priests and nuns I have known through the years who, unfortunately, get judged by the actions of the few.
        Personally, I would never consider leaving my religion for the actions of few compared to the many good who serve and the good work the church does throughout the world, and believe the church will prevail in the end. He told us it would.

        1. The problem is the systemic corruption at the Churches highest levels. As for numbers and whether they are many or few I do not know. Within the past year the Feds have raided the Jackson diocese over their disaster in Starkville while the top remains steadfastly opposed to any meaningful changes. The continued hostility towards women to this day is very troubling:

          Female journalists quit in protest at Vatican ‘climate of distrust’

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