5 thoughts on “Know thy opponent”

  1. Holy Moly Dem Noxubees Bees Hot Bed of Racism Batman,

    Noxubee ( county( 72% Black) was da’ recent site of a Federal Court Order issued in 2007 where it done found dat Ike Brown ,leader of local Democratic Party, done bees found to have violated the Voter Rights Act by impeding white folk from voting according to your WiKi site above.

    You and Robin bees careful , done bring lots of pizza rolls and hopefully ya’ll bees singing da Grinch song dat dey ” Stink, Stank, Stunk” all da way home wit dat State trophy.

  2. Da’ more me tinks da’ more me tinks dat Noxubees’ discrimination stinks and some of us Slabbers ( Da’ Empire, Arod , rfp, etc.) need to get on up dere in Noxubees, do a little parading and maybees riot and at halftime done burn dat stinkin’ “bitch down” like Mike Brown ‘s step father so eloquently stated in Ferguson,Mo.

    Probably better dat me don’t tink dat much.

  3. Michelle Davison: What I gonna do you ask Michelle?

    Gonna wish da’ Noxubees’ football team congratulations but if you are white and presently living in Noxubees County Michelle I’d bees tinking of moving so you could exercise yo’ right to vote freely and not worry about yo’ vote not bees counted. But thank you for asking Michelle.

    1. When the season began a couple of us parents traded predictions. With a Sophmore QB I harbored doubts we could leave the 15th game a winner much less get there – in 2009 when Jeremy Liggins was a Sophomore we won our first state title with a Senior QB. Liggins did not lose in the next two title games.

      Noxubee County’s defense was senior laden in the secondary – I bet we see at least two of those kids someplace playing next year on Saturdays. We faced nothing comparable in our first 14 games but we still hung 27 points on them, which was 6 more points than they gave up during the 4 previous games combined.

      Noxubee County had 31 seniors and about as many juniors. Their QB, other skill players along with their best defensive player, a D-end are juniors. They will be very good again next year.

      We lose our entire O line, a RB, Receiver and 2 of the 3 down D linemen and 2 linebackers. We previously lost seniors due to injury at corner and o/d line many games ago.

      With most of our secondary and offensive skill players coming back including a QB and two receivers each of which could easily playing on Saturdays in a few years, I can easily see a rematch happening next year.

      I understand we open next year against 6A Gulfport. We need more of those type games to prepare for the best class 4A has to offer.

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