The Slabbed Disenfranchised Zombie….

Dambala, Drake and I had a mini blogapalozza last night at one of the finer local watering holes in the city and we literally spend hours visiting and swapping war stories.  After hearing about this past Rising Tide I am truly sorry I did not attend as the Stephanie Grace panel discussion on how journalists (but not bloggers) are uniquely equipped to eat breakfast most everyday with someone like Tim Coulon and not get mookie stinked was supposedly the bomb, especially after an audience member pointed out Steph’s brown mustache.

I think I’m finally getting the hang of NOLA style journalism folks.


6 thoughts on “The Slabbed Disenfranchised Zombie….”

  1. Hey last year, Dambala had a mini stalker posse chasing him at the Ashe Center on Dryades; be careful, Lil’ Chris Roberts might show up with his wiffle bat.

    1. Well you know us Telemachus, we went where the Marcellos were drinking last night LOL.

      The only thing funnier was blowing past Mamo into Dragos for lunch last year.


  2. SOP, that is funny – because just Friday morning I ran into Noodles Normand hanging out with Wiliam Wessel at an Old Metry coffee shop. Wessel was the guy who pops up in the story from years ago about Harry Connick (whom Wessel represented (represents?)) and Harry Lee returning Walton Aucoin’s bookmaking books while apologizing profusely to Carlos Marcello while doing so.

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