Here are a few things for the mix besides Ole Miss Football (YUCK!)

Like Dylan Favre signing with State perhaps? Or a link to the LA Times courtesy of Editilla as we welcome more folks to the FEMA map party along the with accompanying NFIP implications? Or my personal favorite in making good on my promise to insurance defense hoes H Scot Spragins and his sidekick Lucky Tucker to make them famous worldwide? Yep that is right guys (and as Nowdy will attest) many Laurel and Hardy web searches land on our pages each day. Care to guess where? LMAO!!!!!


Oh yeah I ain’t done with Kingsway Financial Services, not by a long shot.


Just tossing a football story in the mix…

Informative and entertaining, too, Jim Mashek of the Sun Herald is one of my favorite sports writers.  Consequently, when he wrote a commentary on my (current) favorite Rebel, Jerrell Powe, I just had to put up a post and share a few lines from Powe, Rebels were livin’ large in Big D:

Powe is the Ole Miss Rebels’ roadblock of a defensive tackle. He stands 6 feet, 2 inches, weighs somewhere north of 330 pounds and can bench press Rhode Island or something.


On Saturday, in a curious move, Nutt decided to channel his inner Mike Ditka and go Refrigerator Perry on the rest of college football.

Powe was stopped not once, but twice.

“That’s what I told them, when they were down at the goal line,” Powe said with a hearty laugh. “I told ‘em, ‘Y’all ain’t gonna score. You stopped me, but y’all ain’t gonna score.’ I was making some noise. No doubt.”

and, then

And when Powe finished his interviews, when the astute print journalists, the capable internet guys and the TV barking dogs went their separate ways, the Rebels’ man-child defensive tackle lumbered toward a giant golf cart, something roughly the size of a Ford Explorer.

The driver got out of his way.

Jerrell Powe was taking that sucker back to the locker room himself.

Hotty Toddy to all, Nowdy.

It’s tragic for him, tragic for his family and tragic for our state…

I read recently that a man in California who had pled guilty to a similar charge in one of these “dishonest services” cases had his guilty plea thrown out by a federal judge who concluded that his “little white lie” was not relevant to the success of the investigation therefore, he was not guilty of “obstructing” it.   Maybe someday someone will look at DeLaughter’s deal. If the Feds had no intention of bringing bribery/conspiracy charges against Ed Peters  (which was apparently the case) how could DeLaughter’s “lie” regarding the number of times Peters contacted him been relevant to their investigation?  (DeLaughter’s discrepancy was not about WHETHER Peters had contacted him but rather, how many times.).  If the purpose of their investigation was to prove bribery/conspiracy by Scruggs/Peters, they’d only need to prove that Peters approached DeLaughter ONCE It would not matter if he actually contacted him DOZENS of times or only ” the couple” that DeLaughter acknowledged.
For individuals like the reader that emailed this heartfelt comment – an acquaintance and admirer of former Judge Bobby Delaughter – as well as his family and friends, today is a very sad day.  Jerry Mitchell had the story in Sunday’s Clarion Ledger:
Bobby DeLaughter, who as a prosecutor and judge put thousands of people behind bars, is expected to report to prison Monday. Continue reading “It’s tragic for him, tragic for his family and tragic for our state…”

Go figure! Mississippi has nation’s seventh-most-expensive homeowners insurance and lowest median household income

Rebecca Mowbray reported Louisiana homeowners insurance is nation’s third-most-expensive, study says in Sunday’s Times Picayune.

Louisiana remains the third most expensive homeowners insurance market in the nation behind Florida and Texas, according to newly released data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.

Mississippi ranked seventh.  Expanding the NAIC data with median family income during the reporting period shows Mississippi and Louisiana in last and next-to-last place on a ranked listing of states when state median household income is considered.

Mowbray points out policyholders actually pay more because the numbers do not reflect the cost of flood insurance, which is sold as separate policy. Continue reading “Go figure! Mississippi has nation’s seventh-most-expensive homeowners insurance and lowest median household income”