SLABBED Daily – August 14 (Rigsby qui tam legal file updated

SLABBED can just flat out slab every spare moment and Sop and I both keep a “to do” list.  At the top of mine is cleaning up the legal files to make room for more cases.

I’ve been working on and off all day and am almost done with documents related to the May pre-trial hearing in the Rigsby qui tam.

Just won’t happen today but there’s a lot more in the file now than there was this morning.

There is also a search box in the upper right corner of this page.

If you’re looking for information on ex rel Rigsby v State Farm, and can’t find what you need, use the contact form below to send me an email or shoot one to Sop.  His addy is in the popular upper right corner.

Enjoy the weekend!


Jim Brown devotes a radio segment to the dysfunctional Louisiana insurance market and AIG’s insolvency

Yep he did. Keep pounding Jim, AIG policyholders need not also be bagholders too.


A day in the life of your hosts Sop and Nowdy

In addition to my billing time sheet that I keep for the business there was one day not long ago that I kept a log of everything I did from 5:00am until 8:00pm quitting time on what turned out to be a busy day. I was reminded of that last night after Nowdy and I exchanged some 2:30am emails with some regular readers, one of whom replied this morning to Nowdy, “You need to get more sleep”. Indeed. Unfortunately we don’t control the news cycle or briefing schedules and our day jobs can’t take the slack.

For me it has meant that I only own two stocks in my risk portfolio instead of my pre Katrina limit of five. I’ve found most people do not have a clue the amount of time that it really takes to perform continuous in depth due diligence on individual issues so for me 1 slab equals 3 stocks. Sometimes I wonder if Nowdy, the official “Queen of the Slabbed” ever sleeps because the high level of legal research that she does is very time consuming.

I won’t bore you with the details of that day which I memorialized to the minute Continue reading “A day in the life of your hosts Sop and Nowdy”

Fluff over substance at WLOX. David Vincent thinks Ed Rust is ignorant of what the company he runs is doing

You had to know on the subject of State Farm’s proposed rate increase that someone in the media would display an incredible amount of ignorance and make an ass of themselves. David Vincent of WLOX took the plunge with today’s editorial which at its heart has the premise that Ed Rust and his mafia in Bloomington don’t know what is going on down here. While we’re amused at the insult implied in Vincent’s piece that the man that sits on the Board of Directors of a media heavyweight in McGraw Hill and who runs the nations largest retail insurer in State Farm has no idea what his company has done to the Mississippi Coast, we’re saddened Mr Vincent passed on a more serious treatment of this very serious topic that has hindered the recovery of the entire Mississippi Gulf Coast.

We encourage the top leaders of State Farm to examine the plight of our area first hand and then really question whether such a rate increase is needed. Thousands of South Mississippi residents have been State Farm customers for years and they would like to continue. Our local state farm agents are in the same boat as we are, and really only the messenger in this rate hike.

Top State Farm leaders need to make the trip from Illinois to the coast and not just send in the government relations or public relations pros. We would hope State Farm Insurance Company’s top leaders would come to these hearings and learn the plight of coast residents.

Cyveillance solutionsDave here is a news flash for you buddy, we can’t break wind on Slabbed without the people at Cyveillance taking note and reporting our reporting to corporate security in Bloomington. (Not that we lack visits from State Farm Corporate either) Continue reading “Fluff over substance at WLOX. David Vincent thinks Ed Rust is ignorant of what the company he runs is doing”