Roubini, Taleb Talk Economic Recovery and Risk on CNBC

I noted the majority of the comments on the Huff Post post which featured this video were driven from a political idealogy standpoint than one of economic common sense which is one of the reasons I opined on the last Taleb CNBC video I posted that:

using history as a guide we’ll go bankrupt before most folks are able to pull their heads out of their asses.

This is simple common sense, not only do we spend far more than we take in, we have also rewarded those who brought us this disaster known as the financial crisis. My own greatest heartburn isn’t derived from the short term measures taken designed to cushion the economic blow, rather we have no long term solution designed to prevent the inevitable.

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.860311&w=425&h=350&fv=]



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The risk-reward concept is presented a bit differently in this South Park episode. Team Obama gave up after Bernanke ate his drawers.