I’ve updated the blogroll with a few new links

I’m short of time this morning but thought I’d put up a quick post to highlight the new links I added to our blogroll category and circle back to one Nowdy mentioned a day or so back, VickiePynchon’s Negotiation Law Blog. I don’t know why we neglected Ms Pynchon’s blog for so long because she was the first national law blogger highlight our work in a post she did in April 2008 that still generates us traffic from time to time. Now for the others I just added:

I mentioned Jessica Hagy’s blog Indexed previously here as one I visit for fun. Jessica is a real talent and as she discovered less than 2 weeks back doing a card on the topic of insurance sure does stir up the industry faithful. I personally think she is spot on.

After I linked Zero Hedge I noticed a few other Mississippi blogs started mentioning the site. Here is another one for you finance freaks in Greenbackd, one that is near and dear to my style of investing in finding undervalued companies with a management team needing a swift kick in the rear end.

Finally those needing good information on insurance news in Florida should check out Miami Herald Reporter Beatrice Garcia’s Florida Insurance News Service blog which has the skinny on all the major insurance news in Florida.  It was my honor and pleasure to leave Beatrice her first comment.

I hope everyone enjoys the new links.


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