ooh-hoo-hoo-hooh State Farm’s imagination running away in Motion filed in Rigsby qui tam

The docket entry made it perfectly clear that Judge Senter’s Order granting motion to dismiss Renfroe applied only to defendants Renfroe and Company.

docket qui tam 2

State Farm’s counselĀ  ignored the obvious and filed a Motion to Amend Answer yesterday that claimed the Rigsbys had dismissed the Company as a defendant in the qui tam case – leading to the only possible excuse for counsel’s action:

it was just my imagination
running away with me.
It was just my imagination
running away with me…



4 thoughts on “ooh-hoo-hoo-hooh State Farm’s imagination running away in Motion filed in Rigsby qui tam”

  1. I hope the beginning of justice is done this week. Good luck folks; lock and load.

  2. There is a big pile of documents in Birmingham that say Renfroe is not affiliated with State Farm so if Acker made the Rigsbys give Renfroe the whistleblowing documents State Farm would not know what was in them. Now they say that a settlement with Renfroe is a settlement with State Farm.
    This shows the real problem the courts have with State Farm and its lawyers. They have no conscience whatsoever and will make opposite declarations about the same issue in different cases and the judges don’t want to hear any of it.

  3. Brian is dead on. Overall the judges just let it pass as if duplicity is accepted. There is a double standard for plaintiffs as opposed to defendants.

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