Cry Me a River (Saturday music)

On a day when I happen to need reinsurance of the heart & soul, CLS posted this link on the All Board.…

With 20 million plus You Tube views, chances are you’ve seen Susan Boyle sing I dreamed a Dream.

In that case, I recommend the thought provoking post Two reasons Susan Boyle means so much to us before you list to her sing, Cry Me a River, courtesy of  Scotland’s Daily Record.  h/t and back to you, CLS

No matter how much we mock those we consider beneath us, it’s much more satisfying to be reminded that everyone has dignity. That’s because when we laugh at someone for being a freak, we’re laughing out of fear. We’re laughing because we want to prove that we are not like that loser over there. If we can shame the people who don’t belong, then we can prove that we do.

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.812403&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]

more about “Susan Boyle – Cry Me A River HQ“, posted with vodpod

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