3 thoughts on “Thankful for those who sing Katrina’s songs”

  1. Hey Doucy! Isn’t this one of the funniest videos? Sneaks right up on’ya too. Hahahahahahaha

    Through some fluke of Goddesstic Providence, Susan Cowsill asked if we could Premier her new Video on the Ladder! Get outta heah, you say! Yes. True.
    Friday Night 8:30 PM

    It will broadcast exclusively on LCN-TV and the New Orleans Ladder, since the station is not carried by Cox in da’Parish.
    We are beside our selves with multiple personalities of glee –a veritable echo chamber of Yeas & Verilies!

    But really, can y’all please drop by and check it out and go over to the Video Site (after it is out) and Vote this Puppy on up the Tubes the way they do?

    Susan Cowsill is a big friend of the Wetlands and anyone else who needs a hand and is just a damn cool Lady to boot.
    And funny as hell too as you can see!
    This is a beautiful video that Editilla has a hard time making it all the way through wit’out looking like a blubbering idiot. But that’s me… ol’softy Editilla.

    I am hoping that all you slabbers can tune in tomorrow night and catch the Premier, do the link’a’rooy thingy whateva that is.
    Thanks y’allz

  2. And in case anyone axs…
    Editilla is about as Thankful as any Rouge has a right to be to have gotten slabbed this year.
    Finally, someone who doesn’t immediately start slowly backing away from Editilla, while smiling, furtively reaching for a channel changer, chain saw, gun, stadium horn, ice pick, anything…
    Finally, someone who GETS IT!
    Not only that but y’all GIVE AS GOOD AS YOU GETS TOO!
    Capital Letters for Capital Times.
    But you and SOP can’t take all the blame for this strident exegesi, this oh’so humble honortorium of humor and high Insurionics, no, for much of the experience of getting slabbed on these pages can be found in your comments section as well –and That always marks a verdant, verile, vibrant vase of va’va’vaboomery …don’t’cha know.
    I am so thankful for the patience shown poor ignorant Editilla when all I really want to do is just rant’n’drag these perps into the streets with molasses and corn screw all this fine print… but it is always the fine print that’ll get’ya, eh? HA!
    But thus we find ourselves…
    duly slabbed.

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