USA's office lost copy of Perdigao's bond – Motion to unseal, review, and copy granted

I’ve often needed a motion to continue cleaning myself – and can only imagine how eagerly the USA’s office consented to Wessel’s motion we posted yesterday.

Don’t you know there was some serious housecleaning going on in the USA’s office as they searched for a copy of Perdigao’s appearance bond – hopeful, surely, there would be no need to file a Motion to Unseal Perdigao’s appearance bond and make a copy?

Currently before this Court, the government has pending a motion to revoke the bond set for defendant James G. Perdigao due to Perdigao violating several conditions of his release. See generally Rec. Doc. 160 Additionally. in light of Perdigao’s violations and the pending revocation motion, the government also anticipates filing a motion to forfeit Perdigao’s bond. The conditions for bond forfeiture, as well as the necessary language upon which the government will base its forfeiture motion, are examined in the language of appearance bond. However, the appearance bond in this matter is under seal and the government cannot locate its copy…

It is therefore necessary for the government to review a copy of Perdigao’s sealed appearance bond. Additionally, if such language is provided in Perdigao’s bond, such documentation will be needed to lay the foundation for the government’s bond forfeiture motion.

Here’s a copy of Judge Fallon’s Order granting the motion.

USA’s office lost copy of Perdigao’s bond – Motion to unseal, review, and copy granted

I’ve often needed a motion to continue cleaning myself – and can only imagine how eagerly the USA’s office consented to Wessel’s motion we posted yesterday.

Don’t you know there was some serious housecleaning going on in the USA’s office as they searched for a copy of Perdigao’s appearance bond – hopeful, surely, there would be no need to file a Motion to Unseal Perdigao’s appearance bond and make a copy?

Currently before this Court, the government has pending a motion to revoke the bond set for defendant James G. Perdigao due to Perdigao violating several conditions of his release. See generally Rec. Doc. 160 Additionally. in light of Perdigao’s violations and the pending revocation motion, the government also anticipates filing a motion to forfeit Perdigao’s bond. The conditions for bond forfeiture, as well as the necessary language upon which the government will base its forfeiture motion, are examined in the language of appearance bond. However, the appearance bond in this matter is under seal and the government cannot locate its copy…

It is therefore necessary for the government to review a copy of Perdigao’s sealed appearance bond. Additionally, if such language is provided in Perdigao’s bond, such documentation will be needed to lay the foundation for the government’s bond forfeiture motion.

Here’s a copy of Judge Fallon’s Order granting the motion.