Political views from "on top of Old Smokey"

With this view of the Smokey Mountains as a backdrop, it was impossible not to think about those who settled what is now the state of North Carolina.

If those of us who gathered there for a visit last week are any indication, the early settlers in our family would have been unsettled by the Vice-Presidential Debate and up-in-arms over the bailout.

Our nation was founded by people who cherished freedom.  Looking across the mountains and into the valley below, you get a sense of the hardships endured by those freedom-seeking settlers that moved further inland.

The ability to tell a maverick from a renegade has long been a survival skill in our nation – and, with that thought in mind as I returned to Mississippi, I plan to be closely watching and carefully listening to tonight’s debate.

17 thoughts on “Political views from "on top of Old Smokey"”

  1. Welcome back Nowdy.

    I guess anything can happen but I don’t think it matters what McCain says tonight.

    When he went dirty against Obama yesterday I thought it was a hoot that a charter member of the Keating 5 would sling mud at anyone.

    Good ol’ John knows a thing or two about bank failures. Could the timing be any better for those of us wanting real change?


  2. I live in the area Nowdy visited and it is wonderful.

    Sop, just a little bit of a stretch on the Keating Five. John McCain was essentially exonerated on his involvement. Mr. Obama worked for ACORN. Nuff said!

  3. Sup, it is wonderful and the decision to meet there was because NC is “home” to my mother’s family and has been longer than there’s been a North Carolina.

    I’ve been more than a little shocked by the references to Obama and ACORN – so much so that I did some reading about the organization. What is it that you find so objectionable?

  4. LOL Sup. As long as Obama and Dollar Bill Jerferson aren’t big buds I’m cool.

    I’ll admit to frequently visiting Dillsboro and Bryson City. My child loved the Smokey Mountain Railroad when he was younger.

    I received a voice mail a couple of weeks ago that I wondered about, thinking it might be connected to the blog. Sup?


  5. Case after case of voter fraud throughout the country. As some say, this group deals in the “Race” industry. The group has an agenda that most Americans find objectionable in that they are doing things that devalues the votes of us citizens that play by the rules.

  6. Thanks, Sup. I’d need to do a little more checking before responding but I will and then I’ll reply.

  7. Sup, I can’t find case after case of voter fraud. ACORN’s offices in Vegas were raided as part of a probe into voter fraud but there have not been any charges. Actually, after reading around a bit and going to their site, they seem like a good progressive community group. Because they help people register to vote doesn’t mean they are cooking the books, besides the Secretary of State there doesn’t seem too worried about it.

  8. AHA! Sup, have you been reading talking points?

    From the Vegas Sun:

    But what a bonanza for depressed Republicans are the community organizing group

  9. Thanks, belle, for both the compliment on the photo and the information.

    Let me know if you find anything else.

  10. My Belle, if ACORN’s activities have escaped you over the years you should do a little more research. The registering of the Dallas Cowboys in NV is just a pattern of what they have been doing for years. There have been plenty of cases against this bunch.

    I try not to get into politics on this board, but ACORN is an obvious ally of the democrat party and try to pass themselves off non-partisan as a community action group. Deception is deception regardless of the game.

  11. One bad apple doesn’t spoil the whole bunch, Sup. How do we know it wasn’t a couple of lone nuts like republicans that registered to vote in Dallas Cowboy’s names? Why is it that Dems want people to vote and the Pugs don’t?

  12. My Belle it appears you have a serious case of denial about ACORN. This stuff was tied directly to ACORN. Their activities can not be defended. Does it not bother you that registering fraudlent voters diminshes the value of your vote.?Just as reference ACORN is being investigated at this moment in most, if not all, the swing states.

  13. Since you refer us the NY Times I will refer folks to the FNC today for more information on ACORN. There is no doubt this crowd says they are non-partisan, but their actions don’t seem to reflect that. “If it quacks like a duck”, oh well , most will draw the proper conclusion.

    If that is the case, why has the Obama campaign admitted they have made contributions to ACORN. Is there something wrong with this picture? I thought political campaigns solicited contributions and don’t make them. Does this not raise just a few questions?

  14. I just put up post Sup that’s the result of my trying to understand your concern. I was pretty shocked – and very sad – by what I found and it raises a lot of questions.

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