Jim Cantore Welcome to Slabbed

One thing I’ve learned doing this blog is that certain words are almost magic. The words in the name Jim Cantore are an example. For our new readers in Texas the latest Jim Cantore rumor is he is nowhere around these parts though he was just a few miles away from me during Katrina.

Like defining Grace says, if he comes to your town run like hell. May Ike spare you guys the worst. And Jim, keep up the good work.


State Farm talks "innocent" walks "guilty"

Although, as Sop said yesterday, there are days when SLABBED is a burden; but, when I’m having one of those days, I think about the slabbed and how every day is a burden when your insurance policy proves to be little more than paper.

All human learning is based on what we experience as we interact with our environment beginning at birth. Learning continues throughout the lifespan as we master a predictable sequence of increasingly complex concepts and skills; but, our experiences remain the source of our knowledge – a yardstick for measuring the authenticity of claims made about something are true.

Consequently, when I read State Farm spokesman’s Fraser Engerman comments in Anita Lee’s follow-up story on the dismissal of extra-contractual claims in McIntosh, I knew it was bullshit spin with just enough truth tucked in to fool those without the experience on the post-Katrina Coast to know better.

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

State Farm’s spend-for-spin approach to Katrina litigation will prove eventually prove Lincoln right because what no one, including Engerman, can spin is that State Farm hasn’t walked the talk of the innocence he claims for far longer than the two years it has taken to get to this point. Continue reading “State Farm talks "innocent" walks "guilty"”

Grilled Musgrove and Toe Cheese Anyone? The Beefy Ironies are sooo Delicious. Alan Lange Plays the Chef

We’ve had a number of irons in the fire here at Slabbed and the now departed USA v Moultrie prosecution was one of our most popular subjects.  Our Georgia based readers still visit everyday and leave an occasional comment.  We are pleased some of y’all have decided to stick with us. We have been following the beef plant fallout from afar as other cases we cover have had activity. Today I have to chip in my two cents.

Politics is not my strong suit, and I don’t have much use for political bickering. I’m fair about it though. It was politics when the Scruggs lynch mob was going after Jim Hood for not prosecuting Scruggs only to find out later investigatory techniques used by the feds such as the wiretap were not available to Hood.  Additionally it was later revealed federal investigatory conduct in judicial bribery would be considered entrapment under state law here in Mississippi. It was a good straw man while it lasted though as Hood has the PR skills of a caveman and was in parts his own worst enemy.

I mention politics because now some of the former Dickie Scruggs lynch mob is making excuses for current Senatorial candidate, confirmed toe sucker and the always for sale Ronnie Musgrove and the ironies are very delicious. To give our Georgia based readers some context we need to jump in the wayback machine and travel back a month to the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

Moultrie pleaded guilty Monday in Oxford, Miss., to giving an illegal gratuity to the re-election campaign of then-Miss. Gov. Ronnie Musgrove in 2003……… Continue reading “Grilled Musgrove and Toe Cheese Anyone? The Beefy Ironies are sooo Delicious. Alan Lange Plays the Chef”