Yup (Part 6)

June 7, 2013

Justice Pierre Leon Muise
Supreme Court of Nova Scotia
Yarmouth Justice Centre
164 Main St.
Yarmouth, NS B5A 1C2

RE: Trout Point et al v Handshoe
Yarmouth Number #411345

Dear Justice Muise:

Please pardon this late reply to your faxed letter of June 4, 2013 as I have been out of my office on business. I have appointments scheduled both June 10 and June 11, 2013 and will not be available for any telephonic hearings on those dates. If you conduct an ex parte hearing in my absence please note it is without my consent.

That said I have noted Leary and Perret’s continued efforts to deprive me of my civil rights to respond to their dubious allegations levied under the US law known as the DMCA in Canada. I also note your court was once used by Leary and Perret before to deprive myself and at least 4 other US Citizens of their civil rights in the Louisiana Media case and I have doubts you were unaware of their specious use of your courtroom for that purpose.

I did not respond to Leary and Perret earlier letters to you trying to exclude my court filings though I will note they will be used in the civil suit I filed against them in Mississippi related to the abuse of processes that occurred in your courtroom in the Louisiana Media case. I have included a copy of this suit for your reference.

Please also note that I requested a hearing date on three different occasions dating to May 9, 2013 from Ms. d’Entremont per Justice Wright’s instructions. I’ll note Ms. d’Entremont was copied by Justice Wright on this entire chain of correspondence thus her office was fully aware of Justice Wright’s instructions and the fact I needed a hearing date. Continue reading “Yup (Part 6)”