Gene Taylor on the New Army Corp of Engineer’s Buyout Proposal

As I observed in my post yesterday on this topic, the experience of flooding out with Katrina, and then twice three years later with Ike and Gustav has taken the starch out of local popular opposition to allowing swamps and marshlands to remain in development. Our own Rep Gene Taylor was taking no chances however making sure the message the proposed ACE buyouts are voluntary has been heard loud and clear. The Sun Herald has the story:

U.S. Rep. Gene Taylor said Wednesday that South Mississippians shouldn’t panic over a proposed federal private property buyout plan that’s moving toward Congress for funding.

In fact, Taylor, D-Bay St. Louis, said that the Mississippi Coastal Improvements Plan has some excellent aspects, such as restoration of the barrier islands. And even though the plan has shrunk somewhat in scope since its origin, it is “still a very, very ambitious project,” he added.

Taylor said he has told officials in the corps’ top echelon that any property buyouts must be voluntary on the part of the sellers, and any mandatory buyout by the government will not fly. “Given the sensitivities, there was a very high level of concern. They got the message,” he said Continue reading “Gene Taylor on the New Army Corp of Engineer’s Buyout Proposal”

Blogging and Commenting: US Army Corp of Engineers Takes it on the Chin Courtesy of Blogger Sandy Rosenthal (Updated)

Many moons ago Editilla at the Ladder turned us on to Ms Rosenthal and her website Those that follow the Ladder and also know there are several problem areas at the intersection of the NOLA Levees and USACE that Ms Rosenthal and Editilla have expressed  genuine citizen concern. Evidently some of the people at USACE headquarters took exception that Ms Rosenthal took exception and the end result was this story which ran on WWL last night in New Orleans.

You can get more details from Editilla here and Ms Rosenthal here.

Nowdy, we’ve been flamed so many times by people in the insurance industry and certain governmental agencies that our fannies are charred, black and very crisp. That said I have mixed emotions regarding going public with the info. One thing that can not be denied Continue reading “Blogging and Commenting: US Army Corp of Engineers Takes it on the Chin Courtesy of Blogger Sandy Rosenthal (Updated)”