Guess what’s behind the door marked “office” – not unless Monty Hall led the search of Heebe-River Birch!

Judge “Ginger” won’t see 99 boxes of files on the wall behind the door simply marked “office” –  or a description of this surprisingly different “common space” in the Heebe-River Birch “tour guide“.

Of course, no one would want to call Judge Berrigan’s civil-right’s-focused-attention to the obvious “discriminating” taste of whoever decided to cram “the little people” in modules at the “expense” of this fine custom-designed space.

Surely, it’s not an absurd argument to claim that Oriental carpets of exceptional quality should only furnish the office space used by exceptional people – “high type folks” who can be trusted to sit on leather.

Below, a collection of gold-framed paintings hang over a custom-made desk with a leather executive chair.  Directly in front of the desk is Continue reading “Guess what’s behind the door marked “office” – not unless Monty Hall led the search of Heebe-River Birch!”

USA v O’Dwyer – Ashton files Appellee Brief with 5th Circuit

Ashton’s brief in scribd format below speaks for itself and reads like a book.

I have just a few words – and all are directed to US Attorney Jim Letten:

You really should be ashamed of yourself for appealing the dismissal of USA v O’Dwyer!  Man up! Let it go!

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