Former Raiders punter and Southern Miss great Ray Guy files for bankruptcy

Hat tip Thomas Morstead on twitter which lead to this page from Sports Collectors Daily concerning the fact that Ray Guy is losing the 3 super bowl rings he garnered during his career with the Oakland Raiders.  I mention this because some of our most noticed work on a national level ironically generated little in the way of reader comments and that is certainly true of the post I did on Sudden Wealth Syndrome back in April 2010 that garners consistent high quality traffic to this day which in turn likely explains why it shows on page 1 of Google search results under that search string.

In Guy’s case I am not certain given the passage of years since his playing days that Sudden Wealth Syndrome applies here but it is also undeniable he joins a long and distinguished list of former NFL players that end up in bankruptcy court.

The journey which lead me to begin following Morstead on Twitter today has its roots with our Bro Editilla over at the Ladder, who’s twitter tirades are the stuff of cyber legend. Even better is the whole chain of events is conveniently explained by Grand Master Wang over at Moosedenied who suggests that this area’s favorite NFL punter needs a nickname and is well worth reading.
