On last night’s episode of The Ascent of Money: An Interview with Dickie Scruggs in “Risky Business”

Niall covered insurance in depth and in ways that I thought were simply excellent. He also completely debunks the notion held dear by our own insurance Commish that the private markets can handle any sort of large scale catastrophe (it really doesn’t handle the small scale kind very well after all). While Niall covered various solutions all had problems including unbridled faith in what Editilla calls the invisible hand. It was an hour very well spent as we traveled from Chile to the Mississippi Coast.

Those wanting to catch up can watch last night’s episode in full here.

Warning: If you are an insurance industry type with a heart problem or take medication to get an erection please consult your doctor before watching.


Serendipity: The Ascent of Money

By pure chance I noticed this documentaryon my DVR program guide last night and after watching for a bit ended up setting the entire series to record. I highly recommend it to those wanting to gain a historical perspective of our financial system. Last night’s episode covered the great Mississippi Bubble of 1720. Now I’ll admit I’m the type of financial geek that actually enjoyed reading Charles Kindleberger’s Mania, Panics and Crashes so this type show may not be for everyone…….except next weeks show is on insurance, specifically:

The role of risk in the form of insurance is examined. Included: the inability of insurance companies to cover catastrophic losses caused by Hurricane Katrina; the origin of the insurance industry; Japan’s transformation into a welfare state.

It ought to be an interesting. Those with access to Mississippi ETV the insurance show airs next Wednesday and can be watched on the internet anytime thereafter.
