Dueling Turkey Posts

Seeing a Turkey Cartoon, I could not resist and had to bring out the first grade big guns (or axe) version.

As set up to our Thanksgiving Story we will first recount Nassim Taleb’s now famous story of the fat and happy Turkey  (link):

Current trends and recent history can also be dangerously misleading. Taleb uses the example of the Thanksgiving turkey that is being fattened up for slaughter. As the turkey sees it, daily experience reinforces the image of the butcher as a benefactor who can be counted on to provide delightful delicacies on a daily basis — a good friend — right up until the day when the butcher reveals his true intentions. For the turkey the final day of reckoning is a personal black swan event. Leading up to the finale, the turkey clearly misinterprets what is happening around it.

“It is not a good idea to be a turkey,” Taleb said, but he adds that statistics and numbers often turn us into our own version of the proverbial turkey. “When you have numbers, you tend to take greater risks, even when the numbers are totally random.”

Our story is similar, but notes that sometimes the alert and quick thinking can avoid their fate.  But not if you are a chicken:

Continue reading “Dueling Turkey Posts”

gobble, gobble, grumble …

As a child, I loved Thanksgiving; but, as an adult – well, let’s put it this way, like the turkey, it’s just not my day.

Why the FDA doesn’t require turkeys be sold with a “Surprise, inside” label is beyond me. Clearly! If you place a heavy bird on the table with a thud, you shouldn’t be surprised when a bag of turkey personal parts sticks out its backside.

I learned that the hard way as a young bride – just as I learned that buying the last frozen turkey in town means turkey-in-the-tub and a very late dinner.

My latest lesson – and a recipe for disaster – holiday travel plans can not be effectively communicated by e-mail. Consequently, I’m assuming the ever helpful Heloise probably emailed the hint that produced these results:

Don’t assume you’re always going to be understood. I wrote in a column that one should put a cup of liquid in the cavity of a turkey when roasting it. Someone wrote me that: “The turkey tasted great, but the plastic cup melted.”

I am most thankful for all of you who read SLABBED but, otherwise, thankful the holiday only comes once a year.   By the way, with my goose cooked, I’m shopping for duck.


Slabbed News Miscellany: Real men don’t stuff!

While we continue researching the deleterious impacts of SPS on the local bar and work on a longer term project for the next series of posts that will kick up one of those patented Slabbed shit storms allow me to offer a few links for the consideration of the Slabbed Nation.

First up is that we could have been a contender food blog.  I actually love to cook and have the waistline to prove it and actually have wondered of late how I would be able to cook Thanksgiving dinner without compromising Saintsgiving.  So while I decide whether or not we head to the Silver Slipper or cook at home next Thursday I know I’ll try the Chocolate Pecan Pie recipe in today’s Judy Walker’s food column regardless.

Next up is disgraced Judge Thomas pOrteous.  The trial summary has now been released and the next stop is the impeachment vote, probably by the middle of next month. I think our readers will get a kick out of Porteous lawyer / publicity hound Jonathan Turley, who has been doing the gentle pump of his crooked client on his blog.

Moving right along I saw the B.B. “Sixty” Rayburn Correction Center at Angie has a new chapel thanks to some big-hearted donors. Sixty’s name came up earlier this week while we were on assignment in NOLA.  I had the chance to spend a couple of days intermittently talking with Sixty over a decade ago and the part of his Wiki bio about him being “A raconteur, Rayburn entertained many with his lively reminiscences of the historic (Earl) Long era” is spot on.  Sixty had stories on Mississippi’s Governor Bilbo too as he was originally a Mississippi guy. They just don’t make politicians (crooked or otherwise) like Sixty Rayburn anymore.

Finally we have more wacky and wild adventures here in Mississippi, this time in central Mississippi.  It seems some folks at the Mendenhall High School have a hatred of Breast Cancer research to go along with the tails they sport. Continue reading “Slabbed News Miscellany: Real men don’t stuff!”