The original title for this post was "The grass is always greener" but then I saw today's T-P editorial and can't stop laughing…

NMC tackled the latest Connick v Thompson related case in a post that ended up placing wet kisses on NOLA DA Leon Cannizzaro in comments as Cannizzaro was evidently able to bullshit an out of town lawyer/commenter on his blog and I was amused to the point where I had the post title concepetualized in a “Grass is always greener” type of theme. Like Mitch Landrieu and Ray Nagin, Cannizzaro is a vast improvement on his predecessor Harry Connick but in ways that also doesn’t mean much. The crooks in the political classes now have some limits to their pilfering like the good old days but make no mistake the NOLA power structure is as crooked as it ever was Cannizzaro included.

So I got a great belly laugh at the T-P fawning over Cannizzaro for making an example of out of towner Jim Bridger of Public Belt infamy in today’s editorial page. Bridger will make a nice easy target for the grand standing DA.  Noticably absent has been any editorials on Paul Connick for not doing his job on public corruption in Jefferson Parish.

Give me a C, give me an A, give me an N……
