In this episode of Magnum JD: Bull Durham sets sail on the Good Ship Lollipop, asks Judge Feldman to dismiss Baldwin’s suit.

OTS Owner Bull Durham

Plaintiffs’ Complaint presents a tale of two people who were on board the Ocean Therapy Solutions (“OTS”) venture that was steering to market clean-up equipment in response to the British Petroleum Deep Water Horizon oil spill, but who voluntarily decided to jump ship prematurely and sell their OTS interests, and who are now suing Costner and others complaining that the price they negotiated and received for their OTS interests was less than they would have received if they had stayed on board.

Nothing like of bunch of self-serving grifters getting cute in a legal brief. Team Magnum is indicating his OTS partners Baldwin and Contogouris should have relied on the media instead of the internal representations made by guy running the show when deciding the sell their interest in OTS to Kevin Costner on the cheap. Case document 12 has all the gory details for the consideration of the Slabbed Nation.



As the Magnum turns…..Slabbed finds Louisiana AG Buddy Caldwell!

This is a great story folks, one where our real time blogging on Costner will wear well with the passage of time. The narrative includes media manipulation, influence peddling and a boat load of sleazy characters including the plaintiffs.  By rights Houghtaling should also be named as the 32 page complaint makes clear and the fact that he isn’t is telling.  Following are a couple of excerpts from Star Struck as we welcome Magnum’s friends to Slabbed:

Stephen Baldwin, an actor, and Contogouris have been friends for many years. On April 29 or April 30, 2010, Baldwin advised Contogouris that he would be coming to New Orleans to meet with a local attorney, John Houghtaling, who was discussing making a motion picture in which Baldwin would be the star. Baldwin asked Contogouris to attend a luncheon with Houghtaling to discuss the movie project. During that meeting, Contogouris expressed the view that the proposed movie would likely be unprofitable, and those interested in making a film should make a documentary film based on the BP oil spill. Houghtaling immediately expressed interest in this idea. Continue reading “As the Magnum turns…..Slabbed finds Louisiana AG Buddy Caldwell!”