We interrupt our regular programming for this Ashton O’Dwyer update

Brought to you by the New Orleans area US Attorney’s office:

Our business clinks and its picking up

We have two new Team AROD filings to note, the first an unopposed motion to extend the pretrial motions deadline until March 12. The second filing is more noteworthy. Team O’Dwyer has filed a motion in opposition to transferring Ashton to a federal facility to have him mentally evaluated.  We reported on the government’s motion here. In that post I opined:

I don’t know what kind of read that transcript of the 2/1/10 hearing is but it may be a doozie knowing Ashton.

It evidently was but Ashton’s public defender brought in some reinforcements in Ashton’s Doc, Wallace Jeanfreau who testified at the February 12th hearing:

…….the behavior demonstrated by Mr. O’Dwyer during the February 1st hearing was indicative of an individual who was undergoing withdraw from Paxil. Continue reading “We interrupt our regular programming for this Ashton O’Dwyer update”