Other Voices: NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund Community Workshops Set

Bay St Louis Ward 6 Councilman Lonnie Falgout:

Dear friends: I have had the opportunity to meet with MDEQ and work with some of our community leaders within the last eight (8) months to hopefully ensure that we, Hancock County, receive consideration and funding to cleanup our rivers, bayous, canals and tributaries thru the NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund. This fund will receive $356 million for obligation to projects that benefit the natural resources of Mississippi’s Gulf waters and coast. This meeting will give us a forum to exchange values, priorities and opportunities for future restoration with local, state and federal leaders.

This workshop type setting will give US our chance to express our needs, ask questions and show our commitment to restoring our waterfront communities and coastline.

So please mark the date of August 20, 2014 , 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. / Bay St. Louis Community Center, 301 Blaize Ave.

Folks, this is a big opportunity to finally get assistance for our waterways, please forward to friends, fishermen and our weekenders!

From a member of the environmental movement via email blast: Continue reading “Other Voices: NFWF Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund Community Workshops Set”