Did I mention with all the shit going down a few of us are engaged in what I’ll term high stakes blogging?

Paranoia may destroy ya but is sometimes necessary folks. I mention this because I’ve been followed, my house and office cased plus a canvass or two has been run.  When you blog about generations of entrenched corruption it does not make certain people very happy, especially here in the south where such things can get very nasty.

I mention this because our friend Jason over at AZ has evidently been hacked.  Jason has hung more skins on his blog to the betterment of society than any of us and he has been targeted by some of the folks he has exposed repeatedly.

I mention all this because yesterday I shared a bit of wisdom regarding recent site traffic here on Slabbed with a critical source.  Without revealing any specifics I’ll add the word is that Team Uncle Sam has brought in Mongo to take care of Team Heebe and I think recent events such as last Saturday’s reporting in the Times Picayune on River Birch buying Oklahoma Senator Inhofe is a sign how much pressure is on right now. I’ve had people tell me that Heebe will never be indicted.  To that I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, not only will Heebe be indicted but Mongo brought his friend RICO with him to help. Continue reading “Did I mention with all the shit going down a few of us are engaged in what I’ll term high stakes blogging?”