Nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk: Its the silly season

Folks we’ve had some great months and a few high traffic days and it is not lost on me that our record month for traffic was last March when the special election race for JP Council at Large featuring Mini-me Roberts and Tim Baudier was raging. Baudier got his ass kicked as only 17% or so of the electorate bothered to vote and the rest is history. I’m not much on politics, in fact the associated sleazery makes my skin crawl. That said you guys want the type of political coverage this internet community offers so what the heck. Let’s begin with the stooges:

I duly noted our own Patricia is mentioning St Bernard’s Wayne Landry in comments as it related to the death of a cast member of Treme. For his part Landry is using the Meraux Foundation Scandal in his bid for Sheriff: Continue reading “Nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk: Its the silly season”

The Meraux Foundation enters the political fray

Our newer readers wanting to catch up should check this Times Picayune story on the resignations of soon to be former St Bernard Parish Sheriff Jack Stephens and lawyer Sal Gutierrez from the Meraux Foundation board. How these two guys are not already in jail with disgraced former Judge Wayne Cresap is amazing.