The man who launched a thousand investigations is out of the pokey

Folks, you know you’ve been blogging a long time when you covered someone from arrest through conviction all the way to their subsequent release from jail. Former St. John the Baptist Parish Prez Bill Hubbard is out of jail and is now productively delivering things to the very court house where he once had an office. This is a Slabbed exclusive.

Those catching up should click here for the bell cow post that sent the Goatherders on an international fishing expedition when the now disgraced Aaron Broussard was on the fast track to jail. Click here for the entire post archives related to the Hubbard prosecution and how it tied to the Jefferson Parish scandal.

Where’s Brother Aaron? (Updated)

Originally published 2-11-14 | 8:56AM CST

But first a lovely video:

Andrea Shaw reported last week that Aaron Broussard was on the move from Butner North Carolina to Atlanta Georgia for NOLA Media Group.  Shaw used the BOP Inmate Locator database for her story (Broussard’s Inmate Register Number is 32234-034) and she concluded it was unclear whether he was in the Medium Security facility or the Minimum Security Satellite Camp at USP Atlanta.  I happen to know a thing or two about the workings of the BOP and the answer may be neither if he is in transit.  Sources with first hand knowledge of the facility have described the Atlanta detention center for Slabbed as a hell hole.  I’ll be honest and say that It would warm the cockles of my heart (greatly) knowing Broussard gets to experience the full BOP experience on his way to his ultimate destination such as Beaumont, Oakdale, Montgomery or Pensacola.  Bottom line we’ll all know if he is in transit in another few weeks such being my guess.


Slabbed has learned that Broussard is headed for Pensacola Florida thus he would be at the Atlanta Detention Center receiving the full BOP experience. (H/T The Wino of Lafreniere Park)