From the sordid past that just won’t die file: Corporate predator State Farm lied to the Illinois Supreme Court in landmark case.

That landmark case is Avery v State Farm and we have a few post on it here dating back to 2008.  As I remember State Farm defrauded its own customers with auto policies via aftermarket parts.  They lost and kept losing until the election for Supreme Court where they managed to get their whore, Lloyd Karmeier elected and ol’ Lloydie was the deciding vote in tossing the case from the Illinois Supreme Court.  Well folks it turns out State Farm was using straw men and front groups to fund their whore and it is seeing the light of day.  From the Chicage Tribune:

Lawyers in a class-action case accuse insurance giant State Farm of defrauding the Illinois Supreme Court by covering up its support of the Republican candidate in the most expensive state judicial race in U.S. history.

Those attorneys, including former television star and U.S. senator Fred Thompson, allege State Farm lied and mislead the court, hiding its “extraordinary support of Justice (Lloyd) Karmeier’s campaign and to thwart Justice Karmeier’s disqualification.”

A petition was filed last week, asking the court to reconsider its decision to void a $1 billion verdict against State Farm. The petition is based on an investigation by former FBI agent Michael Reece. Continue reading “From the sordid past that just won’t die file: Corporate predator State Farm lied to the Illinois Supreme Court in landmark case.”

Buying the Judicial Process: Was Dickie Scruggs Simply Following the State Farm Model?

I was catching up with my reading on Sam Friedman’s blog and found his piece on Dickie Scruggs one of the more even handed blog treatments of this subject I have run across online. All the more interesting is that Friedman is an insurance guy and frankly is the last place one would expect to find the balance on this subject sought by Steve Eugster at Wikiscruggs. The reason Mr. Eugster has not found balance is because he has not looked in the right places.

Bellesouth for example was run off the anti-Scruggs/Jim Hood blogs because she dared to disagree with the party lines but neither fairness or balance were the goals at the sites where Belle previously posted. The reason I’ve always enjoyed reading Friedman is his even handed treatment of the subject matter; you can learn about the insurance business and not be subject to the hidden agendas of aspiring authors or non stop legal practice marketing and the industry pandering it entails.

So after Mr Friedman had his say on Dickie Scruggs the first comment to his entry from Insured Consumer was eye catching. Continue reading “Buying the Judicial Process: Was Dickie Scruggs Simply Following the State Farm Model?”