Ray Ray the Chocolate Guy in the news……

Today the T-P’s Hammerman and Gordon Russell delve in-depth into Ray Nagin’s involvement with Stone Age, his granite counter top side biz that is now the focus of the Federal Grand Jury investigation into post Katrina corruption in metro NOLA.  This is a telling snippet IMHO:

Nagin formed Stone Age in January 2005. But it wasn’t until April 2007 that Stone Age applied for a home improvement license, which all contractors must get from the Louisiana State Licensing Board of Contractors to perform more than $7,500 of work.

The original partnership included Nagin; his son, Jeremy; and Tarikh Duckworth, one of Nagin’s nephews.

Jason over at American Zombie was all over this years ago folks.  On Friday he got a well deserved hat tip from the Gambitman Clancy DuBos. Here is a snippet:

The TP noted in its first story about the grand jury investigation that the feds are looking into “three parallel tracks” against Nagin, who campaigned as a crusading reformer in 2002. According to the newspaper, one track involves city tech vendors who provided Nagin with luxury travel and home maintenance; another concerns the Nagin family’s countertop business and its exclusive deal with Home Depot; and a third involves suspicions that the countertop biz got free equipment and materials from city vendors.

Add to that list the City Hall email scandal. Computer records of Nagin’s schedule and emails disappeared — right after WWL-TV asked for them in a public records request. It is a federal crime to tamper with public computers, and if the tampering is done to conceal a crime, we’re talking obstruction of justice. Continue reading “Ray Ray the Chocolate Guy in the news……”