SLABBED Daily – April 17

So, how’s your Friday? Mine started with Sop “feeling fortish (as in OLD) which made tired “fiftish” me feel ancient!   However, before I could decide if tired felt different at any age, I found this.

Edward M. Liddy, the dollar-a-year chief executive leading the American International Group since its bailout last fall, still owns a significant stake in Goldman Sachs, one of the insurer’s trading partners that was made whole by the government bailout of A.I.G.

Mr. Liddy earned most of his holdings in Goldman, worth more than $3 million total, as compensation for serving on the bank’s board and its audit committee until he stepped down in September to take the job at A.I.G. He moved to A.I.G. at the request of Henry M. Paulson Jr., then the Treasury secretary and a former Goldman director.

Men with the Gold-man-Sachs to profit at the expense of the American people make me angry Continue reading “SLABBED Daily – April 17”

The Daily Slab – March 22

Yikes!  Sop told you about our drafts folder – dreaded drafts folder,  he called it, and said it  has become the slabbed equivalent of the roach motel with few ever making it back out.

Obviously, we needed a catch all; and, this is it – the blog equivalent of the place you toss all the plastic cups and tee shirts your kids bring home.

I wish we could offer Sunday Dinnah as I miss reading the fellowship enjoyed by those at the folo table.

However, with both of us working, this is strictly pot luck.  If you have news and/or views to share on any topic,  just put it in a comment here – it matters not that it has nothing to do with the issues we regularly cover here although that’s always an option.

For example, I’ve been dying to post about Hodding Carter’s Extreme Frugality series from Gourmet.

For years, Lisa had been telling me we were living beyond our means. “Please, please, Hodding, don’t buy that hand-carved black Continue reading “The Daily Slab – March 22”