By popular demand: Cut Herzoner, Raise the Council

I received a couple of emails asking for coverage of Adriane Quinlan’s piece a week or so back on the Harahan Council so here goes:

In Harahan, some council members once bemoaned budget, now seek raises ~ Adriane Quinlan

Newly-elected Harahan councilman questions proposed pay raises ~ Adriane Quinlan

Its better than those headline because the outgoing council is not only seeking a raise, they also seek to cut the Mayor’s financial package, which appears to violate Louisiana RS 33:404.1 which Adriane was kind enough to link in her piece.

Speaking of Harahan’s new Herzoner is it me or did Adriane take a victory lap in comments?

How will a political newcomer as mayor affect Harahan?

I got that one.  First here is the mug of the guy that is leaving: Continue reading “By popular demand: Cut Herzoner, Raise the Council”