A Personal Perspective on the Power Game and the NFIP’s Katrina Expedited Claims Procedures

The memories of those early days after Katrina’s landfall will stay with me until I meet my maker and I well remember the seemingly ardous task of itemizing our possessions for the insurance claim. In an earlier post on my flood adjustment experience I said you have to be here to fully understand the context of the events. The expedited claims procedures are such a case in point of important nuance that is easy to miss. Let’s start by revisiting The Scheme Chapter 5:

The expedited flood procedures approved by the flood program after consultation with insurers also allowed companies to settle flood claims without a site visit if satellite and aerial images showed that the home disappeared in the storm in areas that suffered storm surge or if the home sat in flood waters for an extended period of time and the damage likely exceeded the policy limits.

In addition, FEMA waived the line-by-line adjusting that was of concern to participants in the Wooley meeting after the storm. Rather than require room-by-room, item-by-item calculation of insured losses, FEMA allowed flood adjusters with two large but unnamed insurance companies to calculate damages by measuring the square footage of each room and characterizing the building materials as high, medium, or low grade, according to the GAO report.

On the surface the waiver of the line by line adjusting requirement would be a God send to both adjuster and policyholder alike. The reality is a bit different and coping with that reality after Katrina meant literally buring the candle for hours at night documenting line by line our loss. One such memorable September 2005 evening included a big ass bottle of Grey Goose Vodka my best friend and (fellow slabber) found in the mud while he was recovering personal effects.

The logical question is why go through the trouble when NFIP waived the requirement? Continue reading “A Personal Perspective on the Power Game and the NFIP’s Katrina Expedited Claims Procedures”

Oh Insurer Where Art Thou Part 4: The Soggy Bottom Boys

Song Dick Burnett
Lyrics by Sop81_1 and Nowdoucit
Performed by: Gene Taylor and the Soggy Bottom Boys

I am the man of constant borrow
I’ve seen trouble a thousand days
Few now fare well in ol’ Biloxi
The place where I was born and raised.

The place where he was born and raised

For three long years we’ve been in trouble,
no coverage for here on earth I’ve found
And in this world, I’m bound to Qui Tam-ble,
I have no policy to help me now. Continue reading “Oh Insurer Where Art Thou Part 4: The Soggy Bottom Boys”

Oh Insurer Where Art Thou? Part 3 Reinsurance

Song Alison Krauss
Lyrics: Sop81_1
Peformed by: Warren Buffett and Hank Greenberg

As I went down to Bermuda to play
Studying about that new cat model way
And who shall win the profit crown?
Accu Weather show me the way!

O insurers let’s go down
Let’s go down, come on down
O insurers let’s go down
Down to Bermuda to play Continue reading “Oh Insurer Where Art Thou? Part 3 Reinsurance”

Oh Insurer Where Art Thou? Part 2 Claims Adjustment

Song Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell
Lyrics by Sop81_1
Performed by: Wesley McFarland with Robert and Merryl Weiss
Singing on site to their claims adjusters

You Are My Sunshine
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You’ll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don’t take my insurance away

The other nite, dear,
As I lay sleeping
I dreamed good hands held me in their arms.
When I awoke, dear,
I was mistaken
And I hung my head and cried.

You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You’ll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don’t take my insurance away. Continue reading “Oh Insurer Where Art Thou? Part 2 Claims Adjustment”

Oh Insurer Where Art Thou? Part 1 The Prelude

Melody By Harry McClintock
Lyrics By Sop81_1 and Nowdoucit
Performed by David Rossmiller

One evening as the sun went down and the legal fees were churning
Down the net came a lawyer hiking and he said boys I’m not turning
I’m headin for a land that’s far away beside the crystal fountains
So come with me we’ll go and see the Big Rock Katrina Mountains

In the Big Rock Katrina Mountains there’s a land that’s fair and bright
Where the Hurricane winds blow softly and you flood out every time
Where the adjustments all come up empty and the sun shines every day
On the birds and the bees and Maria Brown’s mammaries
Where the lemonade springs where the bluebird sings
In the Big Rock Katrina Mountains Continue reading “Oh Insurer Where Art Thou? Part 1 The Prelude”