The Daily Slab – March 26 UPDATED

sfad1Do you  think they have folks stationed outside the door so they’ll know then the “honeymoon’s over”? Are people  “in bed with the insurance industry” in ways we haven’t imagined?  Maybe I’m just tired; but, this ad struck me as funny – real funny.

North Dakota braces for record flooding; Ice jam in Missouri River blown up (CNN) and ND Mayor “optimistic” after blast to clear ice (Yahoo news). They’re doing all of this in fresh snow!

Flooding poses danger in Mississippi (Clarion Ledger) Think blasting our potholes would work? It’s raining now and expected to continue through Friday.

The state capital of Mississippi boasts down-home charm, a can-do attitude and an array of dynamic businesses. (CNN Money h/t State Street Posts) Continue reading “The Daily Slab – March 26 UPDATED”