To go back and read the post and comments gives me goosebumps

Its the type of magic that makes Slabbed unique: Community sourcing. First up is a current link from Richard Thompson over at the Advocate and then the Slabbed post from 2013:

The decline and fall of First NBC Bank: What happened?

Reached by phone last week, a combative Ryan blamed The Advocate’s reporting at the time for the bank’s troubles, saying the news coverage sowed more unease than the bank’s admissions themselves.

Asked about First NBC’s collapse, he said only, “I’m not going to talk about it,” adding that his role at the bank had “diminished substantially over the past six months.”

But he stressed that he didn’t blame his successors for the bank’s demise. “I’m not going to second-guess anything people did to save the bank,” he said.

When Uncle Sam loses a cool billion sometimes someone goes to jail. Judging from the email hitting my inbox many are suggesting Ashton Ryan could be such a candidate. Now the archival link here at Slabbed:

Excuse me Mr. Chairman, I have a question. ~ Douglas Handshoe

I think a few commenters and I will now take a well deserved victory lap. I’m going to keep an eye peeled on this story.

Excuse me Mr. Chairman, I have a question.

Posting time is short for me folks but I have been doing my own thing following some money. Now I want everyone to follow along with me:

New alleged arrangement between Nagin and Lake Forest Plaza owner ~ Hammerman

Solomon owns the graffiti-laced Grand Theatre at Lake Forest Plaza with bankers Ashton Ryan and Alden McDonald. The abandoned stadium-seating theater has been an eyesore since Katrina, even though it got a $5 million federal loan backed by the city, tax penalties waived and a $17 million loan from Lowe’s Home Improvement, which has a store next door.

As we reported exclusively in January, Ryan sent Nagin a letter in 2007 asking the mayor for more corporate welfare — and reminding him about the promises Nagin had made to Solomon and McDonald to help the theater project.

On Friday, we confronted Ryan, who along with Solomon and McDonald, had evaded our questions for over a month. We asked him if he was Businessman A.



First NBC Bank Board members Dale Atkins_Charles Teamer participate in ringing of bell on Wall Street

Now the question. After going through the S-1 and 424B4 looking to ascertain the people behind the bank I found this: Continue reading “Excuse me Mr. Chairman, I have a question.”