“And the quarterback is toast….” Son of self proclaimed King of Torts Daniel Becnel suspended for a year by the ODC.

You gotta admit, this has been a tough couple of years for the sons of the Kings of Torts. Zach Scruggs was railroaded into copping a plea to a crime he did not commit and Daniel Becnel III appears to be a simple fool.  I’ll also add being “The Turd” has been tough lately too as Murphy the Turd just had a bad run in with the ODC.  Here is the order from the LA ODC on Becnel the Turd which suspends him from the practice of law for one year.

Anyone else remember Daniel Jr’s massive self promoting media blitz trying to capitalize on the oil spill. He landed himself in Business Week and on MSNBC.  I have it on good authority Team BP laughs at the “Firehouse Dog”, especially on the day Judge Barbier washed his ass outta the trough.
