Claims Magazine updates the changes in BP spill claims. ESIS still out. Worley still in.

We recently highlighted this unfolding story here which has been made easier for us due to the fact both Deb at Dimechimes and Claims Magazine contributor Mary Anne Medina have been monitoring the developments closely.

So speaking of developments, Crawford and Company went on the record for Claims Magazine and confirmed that ESIS has been curbed and they are now in helping Ken Feinberg dole out money from the BP claims fund. Worley Catastrophe, a name we well know here at Slabbed is also still in helping staff the claims centers. Once again Deb at Dimechimes gets the hat tip for keeping this story on our radar screens.

We’ll keep updating this story here on Slabbed as it develops.


Now dats what I’m talking about. Ken Feinberg curbs ESIS and turns instead to the well oiled machine at Crawford and Company for spill claims.

I have a lot going on right now but this post must go up.  I’ve had one eye peeled on BP claims since we began covering problems in the BP claims process back in late June. (A short follow up to the first post can be found here.) So here is the deal and the story behind the story which is often just as good.  BP hires ESIS to handle their claims related ot the oil spill.  ESIS is a subsidiary of ACE Insurance, a company connected to the disgraced former CEO of AIG, Hank Greenberg.  Obama snags a $20BN claims concession from BP and appoints Ken Feinberg to oversee the process.

Now there are the Women of the Oil and the Anne(a) Marie(as) of the Slabbed so I guess it is only fair there are also Women of the Slabb, a group of discriminating women who are as intelligent as they are lovely that include more than a few ladies that call the insurance industry home in one way, shape or fashion. Two of these women are Deb at Dimechimes and Mary Anne over at The Insurance Situation both of which are on our blogroll under insurance. In the area of claims these women are at the pinnacle of their profession.

Let’s begin Mississippi coast girl made good Mary Anne Medina who snagged a 1 on 1 interview with Ken Feinberg for Claims Magazine in early July. Continue reading “Now dats what I’m talking about. Ken Feinberg curbs ESIS and turns instead to the well oiled machine at Crawford and Company for spill claims.”