A Few Odds and Ends From the Heart of the GO Zone

I saw our friend Steve stopped by last night leaving this comment in response to Alan’s link and Yallpolitics thread on the suggested movie stars for Katrina the Movie. Not wanting to leave the cast short handed Steve suggested Meatloaf play Edward Rust.
I gotta say there is a resemblance there.   Check out this picture of Mr Rust to the one Steve linked of Meatloaf. Perhaps instead of Katrina the Movie we could have a musical and call it Katrina the Musical.  Meatloaf, playing Ed Rust could sing his way through the various and sometimes strange events that have at times lent a Kafkaesque quality to our existence here in the GO Zone post Katrina.

The cast is still short however, as we need actors for State Farm employees like Mr Drain and Ms King. Continue reading “A Few Odds and Ends From the Heart of the GO Zone”