Jefferson Parish District Attorney Paul Connick, Jr.: A mantle of malfeasance Part II. A guest post by Whitmergate

Aside from the obvious and expected role of a District Attorney, to enforce the criminal laws of his Parish and State, that office is also charged in many instances with the obligation to seek and recover monetary restitution from any individual and/or any legal entity that has, in violation of parish or State law, profited from their wrongful conduct by way of a civil lawsuit.

As it concerns public officials, elected or appointed, DA ConnickĀ has failed to investigate, indict, prosecute or convict any officials suspected or known to have broken the laws of Jefferson Parish or the State of Louisiana. The fact is, DA Connick’s intentional refusal and/or gross negligence by not bringing any of these individuals to justice has resulted in unjust economic gains to these same miscreants at the prejudice of the taxpayers who have a right to honest services from their public officials, including HIM! To put it another way, we, the citizen/taxpayer, deserve to receive what we paid for, expecting public officials to do the right thing; not what these officials believe they deserve by covering up for each other and distributing our tax dollars to benefit themselves, family, friends and cronies as they deem fit.

There are also provisions under our laws that provide for both civil and criminal penalties in addition to any recovery. This too is ours, the taxpayers’ just reward for the punishment of these wrongdoers.

Mr. ConnickĀ is most certainly guilty of malfeasance, and most probably misprision of a felony. I will in a subsequent post detail a litany of wrongdoing by individuals seemingly protected by DA Connick, including Council members and contract/personal service campaign contributors. For the moment however, there is no other person than former Parish Attorney Tom Wilkinson, whose conduct while in office provides undeniable credibility to my belief that Mr. Connick has failed us; he has betrayed his oath of office. Continue reading “Jefferson Parish District Attorney Paul Connick, Jr.: A mantle of malfeasance Part II. A guest post by Whitmergate”