We have a lot of out of state readers who no doubt wonder…

Exactly what it is that makes Mississippi this nation’s armpit, Numero 50 baby!

It started with a group of de-slaved nabobs in the Delta determined to hold on to their morally bankrupt pre-civil war way of life, where tactics like political disenfranchisement (as in the rest of the State) were excellent ingredients for keeping the populace under educated and in poverty. Throw in a proclivity for electing every government position down to dog catcher and not only do we march to the beat of a different drummer here we’re marching down the middle of the drainage ditch instead of the parade route. Mississippi does lead the nation in the export of human capital.

So as the only state that elects our transportation commissioners shouldn’t we expect the double self dealing along with the senseless squander of taxpayer dollars? Good job Brownie! In keeping with the recently musically based slabbed theme I’m moved to song. This one is dedicated to Butch Brown: (The rest of you keep shaking your heads thanking God we’re here tending to last place.)
