Play it again Sam. No Amount of PR will cover what insurers did to the people here after Katrina.

However, that doesn’t stop Sam’s man of integrity, Robert Hartwig’s and his spin meisters at the Insurance (mis)Information Institute, from dismissing a recent Consumer Reports survey that found half of the Katrina impacted residents that responded had trouble with their insurer with a full 26% saying they were under paid. The National Underwriter has the story and related III spin (h/t Editilla):

Half of Consumer Reports’ readers who filed insurance claims resulting from Hurricane Katrina in 2005 said they had problems with their insurer, the magazine reported.

In the September issue of the consumer watchdog’s magazine, the organization says 26 percent of its readers also complained that they were paid too little for their claims.

“A disaster tests everyone, and in the eyes of our readers insures often failed that test,” the magazine said. Continue reading “Play it again Sam. No Amount of PR will cover what insurers did to the people here after Katrina.”