Not another dern Tee Vee lawyer: Slabbed takes a second peek at Scott Walker lawyer Bernie Grimm

Bernie Grimm

I noticed we sent several outclicks up to Bernie Grimm, Scott Walker’s Washington DC based attorney from my last post on Scott Walker’s recent meltdown. After I hit “publish” it occurred to me I already knew Bernie (well kinda anyway) from his time as a talking head on Greta Van Susteren’s Fox news show. Since we are fairly well read in local legal circles I thought a follow-up post was in order as this Walker saga will be with us for a while from the looks of things.

After doing a bit of googling on Bernie, I found his life and times in ways mirror better known Grimm’s fairy tales so lets begin with the Cat and Mouse in Partnership and examine how a criminal defense lawyer ends up working at a white collar crime firm:

After 20 years of defending the District’s street-level criminals, solo practitioner Bernard (a.k.a. Bernie) Grimm is preparing to concentrate on white-collar defense. He will start as a partner in the white-collar group at Cozen O’Connor on Jan. 1st. Continue reading “Not another dern Tee Vee lawyer: Slabbed takes a second peek at Scott Walker lawyer Bernie Grimm”