Inside the 24th JDC Election Finds Good Ol’ Boy Favoritism at D.A. Connick’s Office

We love sharing the muck we rake from our Jefferson Parish sources and this tidbit comes to us today from one of our favorite purveyors.

But first some lovely music……

To put it simply, we’ve never thought it particularly fair that the people who run for office and have the favor of DA Paul Connick get to take a leave of absence from their job at the District Attorney’s office, while people who don’t have the same permission are not granted leave and are obliged to resign.

Take the case of Division G at the 24th JDC in Gretna where there is an open seat due to the retirement of Judge Pitre, former Law Clerk Adrian Adams and (now former prosecutor) Angel Varnado have both publicly announced their intentions to run for the seat. The unfair part is that the DA doesn’t want anyone in the race against Adams, so despite Varnado being a very successful prosecutor, she runs without the favor of the DA and therefore has to resign. Continue reading “Inside the 24th JDC Election Finds Good Ol’ Boy Favoritism at D.A. Connick’s Office”