Without doubt the greatest college football weekend ever in Mississippi

For my part I found out that Katy Perry was the Twitter champ and then some. Even better she dissed Saint Nick and Alabama causing a ruckus in the process and then she went drinking in the square while pieces of the goal post were being paraded throughout Oxpatch and the Ole Miss campus late into the evening.

But it gets better:

The perfect scenario would have two unbeaten teams playing in the Egg Bowl Thanksgiving weekend. In the Slabbed college football power rankings Mississippi State gets the nod ahead of Ole Miss because State has a difference maker at Quarterback in Dak Prescott.

Here on the coast it even gets better as the largest free street party in the country kicked off yesterday with Cruisin’ the Coast. It was nice to seeing so much eastbound traffic on I-10 on the way to the Saints game yesterday morning as the classic cars were out. Carlie Kollath Wells was there enjoying the Cruising venue in downtown Gulfport:

I have a busy week on tap. Consider this an open post.

Economic Monday: Let’s see how scapegoating mexicans is working out

Simplistic solutions to complex problems rarely lead to good results:

Farmers strain to hire American labor in place of mexican migrant labor. File that one under no good deed goes unpunished as faux conservatives such as Michelle Bachmann actually take pride in f&cking up the 1% of the workforce that was actually working and producing a positive contribution to our economy.  I’ll add I am hearing stories about local construction companies paying their American workers less than the Hispanics they replaced.  This means the relationship of wage rates to productivity is alive and well folks.  Call it the Bachmann boobie prize for ignorant economics.

Meantime the economic data stream continues to indicate that Alabama’s politicians are among the most ignorant in the country on the issue as this snippet from an October Bloomberg Op-Ed indicates:

Due to what one commercial landscaper called Alabama’s “negative atmosphere,” legal Hispanic residents are leaving the state, creating shortages of workers in construction and agriculture. As Bloomberg News reported in June, the post-tornado reconstruction of Tuscaloosa has been hindered by a lack of skilled labor, partly because, after the law was passed, Hispanic tradesmen began leaving the state. Meantime, during the recent harvest, tomatoes and other crops were left rotting in north Alabama’s fields.

While political/economic shills and their media lackeys tell you how great black Friday was lest we forget Q3 GDP was revised down 20% less than a month after the same political/economic shills trumpeted the initial Q3 GDP figure as proof the tide had turned. I’ll note even the Toolman questioned the stuffed shirt ivory tower Tulane economist a bit harder this morning as people seem to be catching on to the puff and quietly revise economic activity down game, even the Toolman himself. Continue reading “Economic Monday: Let’s see how scapegoating mexicans is working out”

New Alabama Insurance Commissioner – a man with a plan

The Mobile Press Register reports on an idea under consideration next door in Alabama.  Let us know what you think about the approach.

New Alabama Insurance CommissionerJim Ridling said Tuesday that Gov. Bob Riley’s administration is mulling plans to subsidize homeowners’ insurance in Mobile and Baldwin counties, a potentially major shift.

“I’m a capitalist, and I believe in letting markets run, but when it doesn’t work, you have to look at some other things,” Ridling said.

Ridling, appointed in September to replace outgoing Commissioner Walter Bell, made the announcement in a meeting at Theodore High School , where he faced angry and anguished questions from nearly 200 attendees.

He indicated that among possibilities would be to provide subsidies to help residents cover high deductibles. He also indicated that the state would consider giving tax credits or rebates to Mobile and Baldwin residents whose rates are much higher than statewide averages….

I suppose every plan has a slippery slope – not as slippery IMO as the slope folks are on when they can either afford a house or insurance but not both. Ridling heard that story, too. Continue reading “New Alabama Insurance Commissioner – a man with a plan”

Judge Acker in Alabama grants stay of execution of contempt for $5,000.00

Remember Judge Acker’s order granting Renfroe compensatory sanctions against Dickie and the Rigsbys? They asked for a stay of execution pending the outcome of his appeal to the 11th Circuit Court. Well, they got it, but Judge Acker had to stick to Scruggs and waited until after the sentencing to do it — 11:19 a.m. today to be exact. Want to know how he accomplished this? Here’s how:

Plaintiff, E.A. Renfroe & Company, Inc., did not object to a deposit of cash in lieu of a bond, but did point out that interest will accrue in the judgment pending the appeal so that the cash deposit should be increased to cover the interest that will accrue. As of June 5, 2008, the date of the judgment, the interest rate was 2.15 per cent per annum. Continue reading “Judge Acker in Alabama grants stay of execution of contempt for $5,000.00”