I’ve fielded several inquiries today concerning former congressman Gene Taylor. Updated

Today is the deadline to qualify here in Mississippi for the fall congressional elections.  As I understand it either you qualify by close of business today or you don’t get to run in the March party primaries or participate in the November general election.

I’ve shook the tree multiple times. Gene has always had a close circle of standup local folks and family that he relies upon for a sounding board and they must be very tight-lipped as there is nothing on the community to indicate a return to politics for the former congressman.

So with around 3 hours to go before quitting time today I’ll posit my best guess and say despite the various grass-roots draft Gene movements the former congressman will be staying in private life based on everything I can glean from the tea leaves. I hope he proves me wrong before 5 but don’t count on it folks. ~ sop


Michael Newsom at the Sun Herald just got the definitive word folks.

Another one bites the dust….

President Barack Obama

And folks recycling that sold out adulterous fat fuck Newt Gingrich is beyond laughable except the joke is on the true believers on the GOP side. True believers mostly have honorable intentions but yes, you GOP purists were sold out long ago too.

So Herman Cain took his sexual exploits to a whole other level and now leaves the field.  Sad but true Buddy Roemer is the best of the lot and he is batshit crazy.

We need a leader and the best both parties have to offer is Urkel.
