A Quick Note About the Horizons Development plus Wall Street Meets Azalea Drive

This post from May linked several Sun Herald stories on developers Robert Windham and Mike Adkinson and their taste for large tracts of land in Stone County. That post, which generates continued interest contained this blurb:  Frankly I think this is wishful thinking. Even if they get enough money to keep the project on life support, it is doomed. The article … Continue reading “A Quick Note About the Horizons Development plus Wall Street Meets Azalea Drive”

Speaking of Horizons (Updated)

In one of my many posts yesterday I mentioned the Horizons development in Stone County going up in smoke. Like Pearl River County to the west Stone County has been a net Katrina beneficiary. Geography made land speculation inevitable. Horizons was the over the top project that smart money knew would never come to fruition … Continue reading “Speaking of Horizons (Updated)”

I know that back during the spill certain well intentioned folks were scratching their head at Slabbed’s oil spill coverage.

Yeah, we did some BP bashing and such was richly deserved, but we concentrated on the local politicians, their stooges and projects like the bermdoggle for a reason:  If you wave money in front of most politicians the results are preordained as most of ’em would sell their own mothers into slavery if the price were right. After Katrina we … Continue reading “I know that back during the spill certain well intentioned folks were scratching their head at Slabbed’s oil spill coverage.”