The Beef Plant Case Mooves Forward. New Filings From Team Moultrie.

To catch our Beef Plants readers up we start with this AP story that ran in the Sun Herald. A businessman facing charges in a beef plant debacle that cost Mississippi taxpayers millions of dollars wants to block the testimony of a witness who admitted paying kickbacks in the case. Robert Moultrie, chairman and chief … Continue reading “The Beef Plant Case Mooves Forward. New Filings From Team Moultrie.”

Not Another Daubert Hearing!? The Meaning of Moo is Moo?

We have a new team Moultrie defense motion to hold yet another Daubert hearing. Our long on the hoof readers will remember we we’ve been here before with the except for you gotta give me all the questions in advance polygraph Daubert hearing two months ago. Our more savvy readers have been chewing on the superseding indictment … Continue reading “Not Another Daubert Hearing!? The Meaning of Moo is Moo?”

We Have Several Case Updates

Several orders have come down today in cases we are following here at Slabbed. First for our beef plant readers we have Judge Mills approving another rule 17 subpoena for The Facility Group this time to Carothers Construction. Evidently the legal eagles are looking for something to graze on. We have orders relating to the in … Continue reading “We Have Several Case Updates”