Texas expecting Katrina-like wind v water litigation after Ike

Sop’s great new link to Insurance Law Hawaii brings legal issues full circle from Katrina to Ike with Is damage from Ike caused by flood or wind. The battle has begun on whether the Hurricane Ike’s damage to the Texas coast was a result of flood or wind…Since the storm, Texas legislators have suggested that … Continue reading “Texas expecting Katrina-like wind v water litigation after Ike”

It's a Slabbed Family Feud

No sense in hiding it any longer, the McIntosh settlement has created some controversy in the slabbed family. Nowdy broke that “story” this morning. Let’s begin by contrasting this statement made by the relators in the filing Nowdy profiled against today’s well written Anita Lee piece in the Sun Herald. Upon information and belief, the McIntosh case was settled … Continue reading “It's a Slabbed Family Feud”

It’s a Slabbed Family Feud

No sense in hiding it any longer, the McIntosh settlement has created some controversy in the slabbed family. Nowdy broke that “story” this morning. Let’s begin by contrasting this statement made by the relators in the filing Nowdy profiled against today’s well written Anita Lee piece in the Sun Herald. Upon information and belief, the McIntosh case was settled … Continue reading “It’s a Slabbed Family Feud”

Breaking: Levee Fails in Lafitte (Updated: “A Real Crisis in Lafitte”)

From the WWL email blast: Temporary levees, used keep flood water from moving north in the town of Lafitte, have failed. The levees, which were aqua levees and tubing, were set up by Jefferson Parish officials near the intersection of Canal Street and Hwy 45, close to where Town Hall sits. Around 8 p.m., the … Continue reading “Breaking: Levee Fails in Lafitte (Updated: “A Real Crisis in Lafitte”)”

Breaking: Levee Fails in Lafitte (Updated: "A Real Crisis in Lafitte")

From the WWL email blast: Temporary levees, used keep flood water from moving north in the town of Lafitte, have failed. The levees, which were aqua levees and tubing, were set up by Jefferson Parish officials near the intersection of Canal Street and Hwy 45, close to where Town Hall sits. Around 8 p.m., the … Continue reading “Breaking: Levee Fails in Lafitte (Updated: "A Real Crisis in Lafitte")”

"bad faith" or just flat stupid – the issue at the heart of McIntosh

While some, with no room to talk I might add, have made light of my comment about there being another side to the story of the surprising Motion to dismiss the extra-contractual claims in McIntosh.  There definitely is another side as no one folded and slipped away, at least not in McIntosh. Judge Senter’s order … Continue reading “"bad faith" or just flat stupid – the issue at the heart of McIntosh”

Gustav on my mind- UPDATED 5x "the right side of a hurricane is the wrong side to be on"

Moved the tracker Sop posted up so it would be easier to find as, like many of you, I’ve got Gustav on my mind. According the this story just posting on the Times Picayune “The bottom line is that what Katrina and Rita didn’t destroy in 2005, this storm has the potential to do,” Gustav … Continue reading “Gustav on my mind- UPDATED 5x "the right side of a hurricane is the wrong side to be on"”

Senter’s decision based on assumptions – and that’s a fact

Post-Katrina Mississippi offers a life with persistent stress to those on the Coast – so much so that a recent post on the Sun Herald’s mental health blog began with I gotta say that keeping up with a blog is a whole lot more work than I thought. If keeping up with a mental health … Continue reading “Senter’s decision based on assumptions – and that’s a fact”

A Quick Shout Out

In my hobby world of investing, considering alternative viewpoints is crucial to success. While Katrina and the resulting litigation has been a frequent topic for national discussion, one of the reasons I began blogging was the story…..our story was not being conveyed from a local perspective. Understanding Katrina and the totality of it’s aftermath requires … Continue reading “A Quick Shout Out”

State Senate GOP Blocks House Insurance Measures

“What you risk reveals what you value.” Jeanette Winterson I’m reminded of that quote when I think of Republican Senator Eugene “Buck” Clarke, chair of the Senate Insurance Committee who just last month proclaimed his ignorance of the interplay of insurance issues with existing state law and used that lack of knowledge to kill every Katrina … Continue reading “State Senate GOP Blocks House Insurance Measures”