And the little head is (again) toast! Son of self proclaimed King of Torts Daniel Becnel suspended again by the ODC.

This time is really good. Sex with a client. Something tells me Slabbed may just get the blow by blow on this one. Those interested in Becnel’s first rodeo with the ODC should click here. I’ll note we’re having this problem in North Mississippi as well. Stay tuned.

3 thoughts on “And the little head is (again) toast! Son of self proclaimed King of Torts Daniel Becnel suspended again by the ODC.”

  1. Male or Female client? The Supreme Court unfortunately left out the details of his sexual experience with his client out. Rough sex gone bad? Details we need details.

  2. I don’t get it Kitty.

    Attorney Claude Lightfoot had a compassionate, consensual relationship wit” da’ Federal Judge Thomas. and Ms. Porteous, intentionally called them the Orteouses, gave them a secret P.O Box address thereby committing bankruptcy fraud for them and he only got a 6 month suspended sentence.

  3. News of the weird

    Arizona case of sex with the client involving communion with the dead. —

    Discipline for lawyer who claimed she could “channel” the client’s dead wife’s spirit

    A few months ago, I reported (here, here and here) on a case out of Arizona where a lawyer tried to convince her client that the client’s dead wife’s spirit had “come to her” and that she could communicate the wife’s thoughts. Among other thoughts, the lawyer claimed the deceased wife wanted the client to have sex with the lawyer. The lawyer continued to “channel” the wife’s thoughts to the client for three years.

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